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Armacost Library Catalog
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts

Encylopaedia Britannica Online 
Full-Text Electronic Journal Holdings
Gale Literature Resource Center 
Impact/ACCESS GDCS - Government Documents Cataloging Service International Index to Music Periodicals  
Iter - Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance

Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan 
Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe  
Mergent Online
Philosopher's Index


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Description & Access

ABI/Inform Scholarly articles in management, industry news, & company info. ProQuest®
Access: Supplementary Index to Periodicals Reader's Guide supplement including indexing of Alternative Press.
Agricola Materials relating to agriculture, forestry, and animal science. FirstSearch
Armacost Library Catalog Holdings of the Armacost Library http://library.uor.edu
America: History & Life Bibliographic reference to U.S. and Canadian history from prehistory to the present. DIALOG by appointment with a librarian.

American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Full-text of this journal online. Contact Bill Kennedy to search this online.
Art Abstracts Leading publications in the world of arts. FirstSearch

ASTA - Applied Science & Technology Abstracts

Applied Science & Technology Abstracts. FirstSearch
ATLA Religion (American Theological  Library Association) Citations to journal articles, essays in multi-author works, and book reviews in religious and theological publications.  FirstSearch

Leading publications in agriculture, biology, forestry, and ecology. FirstSearch

BasicBIOSIS Basic information about biology and other life sciences. FirstSearch
Books In Print Index to books in print. FirstSearch
Britannica Online Encyclopaedia Britannica online. Campus/Regional workstations only.

Buckmaster Annual Stockholder Reports

Annual reports and SEC filings for companies based on the Fortune 500 list published in Fortune magazine.
Chemical Abstracts Student Edition

Abstracts and indexes of chemical journals and dissertations. FirstSearch

CollegeSource Online 16,379 College Catalogs in complete original page format.
ComputerAbstracts Literature in computer science .DIALOG by appointment with a librarian.

Computer Literature Index

Annotations and citations of magazine and journal articles, taken from approximately 300 computer-related trade publications, business magazines, and management journals.Literature in computer science. Applied Computer Research, Inc.
Contemporary Women's Issues Health, human services, and other information on women in 150+ countries.FirstSearch
DIALOG Databases Databases for information on business, computing, history, military topics, medicine, and more. DIALOG by appointment with a librarian.
Dun & Bradstreet's Million Dollar Database Information on private & public companies in the U.S. and Canada. Includes SEC filings for most public companies. Pacific edition.
Econlit Journals, books, and working papers on economics. FirstSearch
Education Abstracts Top publications in education from 1983 - present. Some full-text. FirstSearch
Education Full-text 1983-present. Top publications in education from 1983- present. Full-text 1996+. Education Full-text 1983-present. Campus/Regional workstations only.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Encyclopaedia Britannica online. Campus/Regional workstations only.
Environline Environmental literature. DIALOG by appointment with a librarian.

ERIC Database

Database of journal articles and documents from the Education Resources Information Center. Some full-text. FirstSearch or public access via http://www.eric.ed.gov/searchdb/searchdb.html



Facts and statistics on topics of current interest. FirstSearch


Database service providing access to 60 databases covering many subjects. FirstSearch

GALE Literature Resource Center

Biographies, bibliographies and critical analysis of authors from every age and literary discipline. Campus/Regional workstations only.

General Science Abstracts General science literature from the U.S. and Europe. FirstSearch
New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians (2nd Edition)

New Grove II Dictionary, Grove Opera, & Grove Jazz. Biographies and articles about music and musicians from 1600 to present. Campus/Regional workstations only.

Historical Abstracts

World history from 1450 to the present (excluding the United States and Canada, which are covered in America: History and Life). Citations and abstracts of articles. DIALOG by appointment with a librarian.

Humanities Abstracts Abstracts covering diverse subject areas of the humanities. FirstSearch
Impact/ACCESS GDCS - Government Documents Cataloging Service Access to the complete Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publications from 1976 to the present, with cataloging records and library holdings information
International Index to Music Periodicals Content from 300+ international music periodicals from 20+ countries. Full-text includes periodicals as far back as 1874. Campus/Regional workstations only.

InternetPC Abstracts

InternetPC Abstracts. FirstSearch
Iter Gateway to the Middle Ages & Renaissance Materials pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700). Campus/Regional workstations only.




Full-text of scholarly journals in the social sciences. Campus/Regional workstations only.

Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan

Encyclopedia articles on the history and culture of Japan. Campus/Regional workstations only.
Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe Full-text articles, company, industry, and financial information. Campus/Regional workstations only.
Library Catalogs LIBWEB Library Servers Via the World Wide Web http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Libweb/
Medline Index Medicus, International Dental Literature, and International Nursing Index online. FirstSearch


Digests of medical and health information. FirstSearch

Mergent Online

Company data on 11,000 U.S. public companies and 17,000 non-public companies from Mergent, Inc.
MLA Bibliography Indexes books, essay collections, working papers, proceedings, dissertations, and bibliographies on literature, language, linguistics, & folklore. Some full-text. FirstSearch
National Trade Databank Country Commercial Guides, Market Research reports, Best Market reports. The NTDB also provides U.S. import and export statistics, and more. STAT-USA
NetLibrary - E-Books Access to the library's subscription electronic book collection and to the Net Library Public electronic book collection. NetLibrary
New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians 2nd Edition

New Grove II Dictionary, Grove Opera, & Grove Jazz. Biographies and articles about music and musicians from 1600 to present. Campus/Regional workstations only.

Oxford English Dictionary Oxford English Dictionary online.Campus/Regional workstations only.
PAIS Index to periodicals, books, hearings, reports, gray literature, government publications, Internet resources, and other publications from 120 countries. Chronicles global public policy and social issues. FirstSearch
Philosopher's Index Indexing and abstracts from over 300 journals of philosophy and related interdisciplinary fields; philosophy books and contributions to anthologies. 

Project Muse

Access to 100+ scholarly journals in the arts, humanities, social sciences & mathematics. Campus/Regional workstations only.

ProQuest® Journal article archive and searchable database covering many subjects. Includes option to limit to peer reviewed sources.
PSYCInfo_1887 International index and abstracts of periodicals and book chapters in psychology and related fields. Some full-text. FirstSearch.
Reader's Guide Abstracts Abstracts of articles from popular magazines. Some full-text. FirstSearch
Religion Index One: Periodicals Periodicals: Religion Index One annually indexes articles in and related to the field of religion from 575 fully and selectively indexed journals and 100 scanned journals. DIALOG by appointment with a librarian.
Religion Index Two: Multi-Author Works Religion Index Two annually indexes essays pertaining to religion and related fields from more than 500 books. DIALOG by appointment with a librarian.

Religious and Theological Abstracts

Abstracts of articles appearing in periodical literature (in excess of 400 journals) in the fields of religion and theology. On CD-ROM in the reference area of the library.
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature  Content from 500+ international scholarly music journals and other publications. 1969 to present. FirstSearch


Science Citation Index

Bibliographic information, author abstracts, and cited references found in 3,500 of the world’s leading scholarly science and technical journals covering more than 150 disciplines. DIALOG by appointment with a librarian.

Social Sciences Abstracts Abstracts of articles on the social sciences. Some full-text. FirstSearch
Sociological Abstracts  


American Institute of Physics (AIP) database with current abstracts of American and Russian physics and astronomy journals. DIALOG by appointment with a librarian.
STAT-USA/GLOBUS/NTDB U.S. and global business, economic and trade information from the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Wilson Business Abstracts Abstracts for english-language business periodicals. Some full-text. FirstSearch
Wilson Biographies plus Illustrated Biographical reference works online.
WilsonSelect Plus Full text articles in science, humanities, education and business. FirstSearch
Women Writers Online The Brown University Women's Writers Project Includes works in English, or in English translation, by women before 1850. Includes Renaissance Women Online, a collection of 100 Renaissance texts.