To: The University Community
From: Lucinda Brinks, Human Resources
Date: November 30, 2000
Re: Human Resources Announces a New Employee Service

As tax season rapidly approaches, we are pleased to announce a new W-2 employee service. If you plan to file your personal income taxes through TurboTax 2000 (Intuit's personal tax filing software), you will be able to automatically download your W-2 information into the appropriate TurboTax forms directly over the Internet for free. Also, as part of this program, if you choose to use the Web-based online service, you will receive a 5% discount (go to for more information).

The University of Redlands has chosen to provide this service to help speed the processing time and accuracy of your return while supporting paperless processing.

For more information regarding this service, please read the following FAQs or visit to find out more about the TurboTax software and Web-based filing service today. Human Resources will be providing additional information in the weeks to come.

Employee Fact Sheet: ProBusiness/Intuit W-2 service

Q. What is the Automated Tax Return (ATR) service?

A. Intuit Inc., makers of the popular Quickenä TurboTaxä tax preparation and filing software, have launched a new Automated Tax Return (ATR) service to simplify tax preparation for TurboTax users. ATR allows users of TurboTax tax preparation and filing software to import tax information from multiple sources such as employers, brokerage houses, and mutual fund companies directly into the correct TurboTax forms over the Internet. Since our payroll provider, ProBusiness, has partnered with Intuit to provide this service, you will be able to electronically download your individual W-2 data from ProBusiness directly into TurboTax through the Internet for free. Also, as part of this program, if you choose to use the web based online service you will receive a 5% discount (go to for more information).

Q. So how does it work?

A. Embedded in each version of TurboTax 2000 (both the software and web application) is a series of screens that will ask whether your employer allows you to automatically download your data into TurboTax. To use the free service, simply answer "yes" then select our payroll provider, ProBusiness, from a drop-down list of providers which includes ProBusiness, PeopleSoft, Ceridian, and Validate your request by entering your social security number and W-2 box one data and your W-2 data will automatically transfer via the Internet into the appropriate locations in the TurboTax form.

Q. Is this a secure transaction?

A. Intuit's TurboTax ATR service combines Open Financial Exchange (OFX), the standard technology used in e-finance, with 128-bit military-grade encryption to create an advanced security protocol that ensures the highest level of security and confidentiality when obtaining financial data to populate your TurboTax form over the Internet.

Q. How do I participate in this program?

A. Only employees using Intuit's TurboTax 2000 tax preparation and filing software can take advantage of this Web-based ATR service. TurboTax software and the ATR Web-based filing service can be accessed at

Q. What if I already own TurboTax 2000…does this still work?

A. Yes, all copies of TurboTax 2000 contain the Automated Tax Return service option.

Q. Overall what are the Benefits to me?

A. Using the ATR service provided by Intuit and ProBusiness, you can:

Increase your probability of accurate filing.

Eliminate the need to manually enter your W-2 information and other financial data.

Increase the overall speed of tax filing

To: All Faculty

From: Lawry Finsen, CAS Associate Dean

Date: 12/1/2000

Re: Grant and Fellowship Opportunities

Beginning with this issue of Inside Redlands, updates about grant and fellowship opportunities will be publicized here.

You are also invited to come to the Academic Affairs Office (Admin 302) at any time and peruse the shelves where we keep the hard copy of this information as well as much more information about grant and fellowship opportunities.

  1. Rockefeller Foundation Humanities Fellowships: These fellowships support research on global social and cultural issues relating to diversity, sustainability and civil society. Fellowships for 2001-2002 are offered as residencies at 26 host institutions in North and South America, including academic departments, interdisciplinary programs, museums, research libraries and community cultural centers. Application deadlines vary depending on host institution.

    To find information on the Humanities Fellowships at the Rockefeller Foundation website, go to

  2. Ford Foundation Fellowships for Minorities: These fellowships are offered for 2001-2002 at the Predoctoral ($24,000 for three years), Dissertation ($24,000 for one year), and Postdoctoral ($35,000 for one year) levels to "increase the presence of underrepresented minorities on the nation's colleges and university faculties, to enhance diversity on campuses, and to address the persisting effects of past discrimination." Eligibility is limited to U.S. citizens or nationals who are Native American, Mexican American/Chicana/Chicano, Alaskan Native, Native Pacific Islander (Polynesian or Micronesian), Black/African American, or Puerto Rican, and who are planning a career in teaching and research. Application deadlines are November 10, 2000 for Predoctoral Fellowships; December 1, 2000 for Dissertation Fellowships, and January 8, 2001 for Postdoctoral Fellowships. You can find information on the Ford Foundation Fellowships for Minorities (as well as other opportunities at

  3. Haynes Faculty Fellowships: The Haynes Foundation awards 15 faculty fellowships of up to $10,000 for social science faculty members in eligible colleges and universities in Southern California (of which the University of Redlands is one). Brief (2-page) proposals are due December 21 in the Dean's office of your college. A more detailed memo has been sent to social science faculty. Contact Suzette Higgins-Miguel if you did not receive a copy and would like one.

    For more information on the Haynes Foundation Faculty Fellowships, consult their website at

  4. Price WaterhouseCoopers Endowment for the Business of Government Research Grants: Grants of $15,000 each are available for individuals working in universities to produce 30-40 page research reports in the areas of "Leveraging Technology," "Redefining Public Service For The 21st Century", "Managing For Results: The "Nuts and Bolts" of Government," "Transforming Public Sector Organizations," and "Leveraging the Private Sector." Three funding cycles, with deadlines of October 31, 2000, February 28, 2001, and June 29, 2001.

    For more information (including online application forms) see the Price WaterhouseCoppers Endowment website:

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