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All The Trimmings

Several hundred employees pitched in on Nov. 29 to help "Trim the Tree" in the Administration Building lobby. Trimmers also brought a variety of snacks to share, including everything from spicy tamales to chocolate chip-packed brownies.

For several years, employees were asked to bring an ornament to the event; now, canned goods are required.

Two large boxes of cans and other non-perishable food items were donated by participants and will be given to the Cornerstone Compassion Center in San Bernardino.

Ornaments have been donated throughout the years, and five memorial ornaments hang on the tree in honor of fellow employees who have passed away while employed at the university--Merilyn Bonney, Neal Pahia, Grace Porch, Doug Pike and Christopher Schlosser.

The handiwork of all that took part in the tree trimming will continue to be enjoyed by students, staff and visitors throughout the holiday season.

A special thanks to the Staff Organization for planning the event!

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Trimming the tree.

Susan McCue (left), Rosalie Argue (center) and Joanne Manchester enjoy some refreshments.

Physical Plant crew Marvin Anderson (left), Tim Chudy (center) and Steve DiGiacomo rest up before making another refreshment run.

A job well done by all--the tree looks great!