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Submissions can be sent to Monica Henderson.
Deadlines for submissions are the second Monday of each month. Call (909) 335-5228 for more information.

Holiday Luncheon

Several hundred faculty and staff attended the Dec. 11 All University Holiday Luncheon, which featured piles of turkey and trimmings, energetic elves and a sharp-tongued but generous Santa.

The annual event is co-sponsored by the Office of the President and the Staff Organization.

Santa, played by debate professor Bill Southworth, drew names and doled out gifts donated by internal departments and external groups that support the university. Gift certificates and baskets from Starbucks, Trader Joe's and the Mission Inn were among the items won by employees.

Dean of Student Life Charlotte Burgess and Associate Professor of Education Joe Castino received the Frank J. Rice Memorial Service Award, which honors individuals committed to university and community service.

Cheryl Heesen from Redlands Family Services Association also attended the luncheon to accept a truckload of toys donated by employees. The gifts will be given to area youngsters from needy families.

In the past, toys also were received by the Y Alliance and the Truesdail Speech Center. But this year, the three groups agreed that Redlands Family Services Association should receive all university donations because of the association's increased need.

"You have helped so much by doing this," Heesen told employees gathered at the luncheon. "This makes a difference because these toys that you brought will help put a smile on someone's face this Christmas. That is a very special thing."

Length of service awards also were given to a number of employees. Individuals with five years of service received a lapel pin, while 10-year recipients received a marble paperweight and 15-year recipients were given a letter opener. People who have worked at the university for 20 years received a wooden pen and paper holder, while anyone with 25 years of service got a clock. Employees with 30 years of service were awarded a plaque. All items except the lapel pin are engraved with the recipient's name and years of service.

The following employees received Length of Service Awards:


Roland Almeida

Charmaine Compton

David Coons

Keith Gissel

Vicki Gomes

Jill Joiner

Angelynn King

Mary Martinez

Joseph Mueller

Stanley Schroeder

Casandra Smith

Loida Yokley
  Bruce Engelfried

Allison Fraiberg

Lorenzo Garbo

Dianna Godfrey

Jo Greenslet

Jennifer Keene

David Kohler

Barbara Morris

Ilaria Pesco

Francisco Silva

Elizabeth Woods


Donald Beckie

Bethann Corey

James Ducey

Carol Grimes

Daniel Kiefer

Cory Nomura

Betty Porter

Eddie Smith

Ivonne Vailakis

Tim Webb

Kimberley Wolf
  Lorraine Cesario

Nadean Davidson

Hamid Falatoon

Laurie Kervahn

Tony Mueller

James Pick

Matt Riley

Skip Storey

Daniel Wacks

Mara Winick


Judith Brandt

Susan La Rose
  Penny McElroy

Kathleen Villegas


Ralph Angel

Gail Karpman

Judith Morrison

Arthur Svenson

Scott Vance
  Paul Driscoll

James Malcolm

James Sandos

Judith Thompson

Carol Ann Franklin

Gary Smith

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Retired employee Ann Busch (seated) and Customer Service Manager for ITS Skip Cain opened the luncheon with holiday music.

Carol and President Appleton welcome employees to the luncheon.

Santa (played by Bill Southworth) and his elves, Administrative Assistant Nancy Vander Veen (left) and Residential Network Manager for ITS Sonya Zuker-Klimek are ready to pass out the gifts.

Santa's Elf (Development Secretary Carolyn Brewster) gathers toys for Redlands Family Services.

Academic Affairs enjoys the luncheon. Seated (l-r): CAS Associate Dean Lawry Finsen, Vice President of Academic Affairs Phil Glotzbach, Executive Secretary Casandra Smith, Assistant to the Vice President of Academic Affairs Chris Deyo, Executive Secretary Terri Templeman and CAS Dean Nancy Carrick.

Lieutenant Kathleen Villegas receives her 15-year award from President Appleton and Staff Organization President Janise Rick.

Dean of CAS Admissions Paul Driscoll receives a pen and paper holder for 20 years of service to the university.

The people behind the luncheon pause for a photo. (Fifth row): Lead Groundsworker John Ostler. (Fourth row l-r): Customer Service Manager for ITS Skip Cain, Administrative Assistant Lori O'Conner, Staff Organization President Janise Rick, Administrative Assistant Mary Martinez, Administrative Assistant II Rosalie Argue, Program Assistant Betty Bennett and retired employee Ann Busch. (Third row l-r): Correspondence Specialist Mariann Kappel and Library Assistant II Trisha Aurelio. (Second row l-r): Career Development Director Amy Wilms, Administrative Assistant Nancy Vander Veen, Development Secretary Carolyn Brewster, Library Assistant II Lori Alaniz and Office Assistant Kelly Foreman. (First row): Residential Network Manager for ITS Sonya Zuker-Klimek.