Inside Redlands is posted monthly by the Office of Public Relations.
Submissions can be sent to Monique Henderson.
Deadlines for submissions are the second Monday of each month. Call (909) 335-5228 for more information.

Arturo Arias, director of Latin American studies, presented his paper, "Reading Menchú Truthfully? Producing an American Reading of a Subaltern Text" at a Hispanic cultural studies conference held in September at the University of Arizona.

Professor of Philosophy Kathie Jenni presented "The Power of the Visual: The Role of Images in Moral Motivation" at a Northern Illinois Ethics Consortium conference in September. The conference was held at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Ill., and focused on "Ethics in Contemporary Life."

Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology Jim Spickard teamed up with a student assistant to write "Thinking Through Statistics," a guide to quantitative sociology. He also wrote several computer exercises using his Sociological Insights software. Spickard is using the book in his fall courses.

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