Doug Bowman, professor emeritus of religion, received the first Creativity in Retirement Award from the Retired Faculty Association at the group's spring luncheon March 6 in the Casa Loma Room. Since retiring in 1997, Bowman created more than 400 paintings and was featured in a show at Peppers Art Gallery.

Kathie Jenni, professor of philosophy, chaired a session titled "Business and Public Health in Developing Countries" at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics' national conference. She addressed "At Our Best: Moral Lives in a Moral Community" at Santa Clara University in February. The session addressed pharmaceutical companies' policies with respect to costly AIDS drugs and the use of DDT to control malaria in developing countries.

Barbara Landau, associate professor of education, was named president of the Association of New American Colleges for Teacher Education. ANAC is an association of colleges and universities much like Redlands, with mixed traditional and professional programs.

James Spickard, associate professor of sociology and anthropology, presented a talk at the University of California, Santa Barbara in March entitled: "On the Social Construction of History: Western and Non-Western Systems of Writing about the Past." In October 2000, he presented a paper at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religions entitled: "Couched Symbols: Responding to the use of Psychoanalytic Theory in the Social-Scientific Study of Religion." That paper is posted on the web at: He also wrote a computer program called "Sociological Insights" used for teaching elementary sociological statistics. It is available for free at

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