Wish List

As the university's 2006-07 centennial approaches, so does planning for a major fund-raising campaign that will accompany the celebration. Members of the campus community are being asked to identify gift opportunities that may become a part of the campaign.

Recommendations will be reviewed and priorities established, with the understanding that these priorities may change as needs and donor interests change over the next six years. Preliminary plans submitted to the board of trustees at its May 12 meeting received authorization to proceed with the campaign. Funds contributed to the university will be counted toward the campaign beginning July 1, 2001, along with funds received for the second phase of the science center.

For more detailed information, go to the Feb. 20 memo on Centennial Campaign Planning from President Appleton and Development Director Neil Macready.

Recommendation forms are due to the Development Office by April 6. Call Lisa Poff at ext. 3850 to obtain a form.

High Cost of Vandalism

"A vandalism report was taken…" If you closely followed the Public Safety Logs printed in the weekly Bullsheet, you would have seen those words 215 times from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2000.

"The campus community should be more aware of the toll these incidents take on the university's budget, its personnel and the sense of pride we have in our surroundings," said Public Safety Director Bill Cranfill. "Dealing with vandalism takes away valuable time that our officers and others should be using to improve our programs and services."

It's also expensive. The estimated repair costs for the 215 instances totaled $23,152 — more than a year's tuition.

The worst incident by far last year was the graffiti scrawled on a wall of the Hunsaker University Center the night of the presidential election.

The obscenity could not be removed easily, as it seeped deeply into the soft, porous limestone used on the center's exterior. Given the unique character of the stone— embedded with fossils— and weathering that has occurred since the building opened in 1994, it was impossible to find a stone that would match.

Physical plant representatives spent days working with a variety of contractors to determine how to remove the graffiti without damaging the stone. Eventually, the stone was lightly sandblasted. The bill, not including administrative time: $4,600.

And the cost didn't end there. The paper covering the graffiti was removed almost nightly. An on-call worker from the physical plant was brought out 25 times to the replace the paper. Overtime charges totaled $1,500.

Anyone caught for vandalism exceeding $4,999 in damages faces up to a year in state prison and a $10,000 fine. Lesser damages could bring county jail time and a $5,000 fine.

"There are ways to make a meaningful statement other than damaging a beautiful building intended to serve students for generations to come," said Phil Doolittle, vice president for finance and administration.

"We make a great effort in planning our buildings to ensure that they are made from materials of substance, such as natural stone. Concrete would be cheaper but it wouldn't reflect the character of our university. Our buildings are a part of our history, and they deserve respect."

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Campus Highlights

The university community mourns the loss of emeritus mascot UR Jasper Deacon of Pedley. Jasper passed away Feb. 19, a day before his 10th birthday.

An open house to celebrate the reopening of Memorial Chapel will be held from 2-4 p.m. Saturday, May 12. Donors to the chapel campaign will be invited to a dessert reception and program at 7 p.m. Friday, May 11.

Students, alumni and members of the Redlands community will make the trek for the Redlands "R" Clean-up Saturday, March 24. The hikers will clear away brush and debris so the "R" can continue to "shine from afar." Contact the Alumni Office at ext. 4011 if interested in joining the crew.

The 12th annual Bulldog Bench Golf Tournament will be held Monday, March 19, at the Redlands Country Club. Senior PGA Tour member and Mentone resident Dave Stockton will host the event. For more information, call ext. 4004.

Public Safety asks that all university employees stop in to register their vehicles and pick up their scenic parking permits for 2001. A reminder from Public Safety: The green zones around the Administration Building are for visitors to campus. Students and employees will be cited. The only exception is those with medical waivers.