Inside Redlands is posted monthly by the Office of Public Relations.
Submissions can be sent to Ryann Moresi.
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Assistant Professor of Art Valerie Gilman’s co-exhibit “Landscape of the Body” featuring new bronze sculptures, is currently being displayed at the Arts on 5th Gallery in San Bernardino through June 10.

Robert N. Hudspeth, professor of English, presented his paper, “Later Emerson: Intellect and the Conduct of Life” at the Spires of Form: The Emerson Bicentennial Conference in Boston.

Professor of Philosophy Kathie Jenni presented two papers for the Society for the Study of Ethics and Animals at the American Philosophical Association's Pacific Division in March “Taking Animals Seriously: Theory and Practice in a Philosophy-Service Learning Course” and “The Power of the Visual: the Role of Images in Moral Motivation.”

Business Professor James Pick recently visited the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) in Mexico City to discuss “Developing Masters in Telecommunications Degree Programs in the U.S.” and “The Digital Divide in the United States,” a collaborated piece with Assistant Professor of Business Rasool Azari.

Keith Roberts, assistant professor of business had a paper “Cybersquatter Problem! Litigate or Arbitrate?” published in the State Bar of California Journal, Business Law News, December 2002, Vol. XXII, Issue 3.

Associate Professor of Economics Wali Mondal published a new book, “Microcredit and Microentrepreneurship: Collateral Free Loan at Work in Bangladesh.”

Don McCormick and Jim Spee, associate professors of Business presented their paper “Reflections on Implementing an Innovative Management Curriculum, Or Tacking Between Scylla and Charybdis” at the 2002 annual meeting of the Academy of Management in Denver.

In a Las Vegas meeting for the Western Academy of Management, Associate Professor of Business Jim Spee was elected to the position of Program Chair.

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