Inside Redlands is posted monthly by the Office of Public Relations.
Submissions can be sent to Ryann Hartung.
Deadlines for submissions are the second Monday of each month. Call (909) 335-4070 for more information.
October Happenings

-October is National Breast Cancer Month.

-Fall Recess is Oct. 8-9.

-Gay Pride Week is Oct. 10-17. Events include "Speak Out" an open forum at 6 p.m. in Hunsaker Plaza on Oct. 10, "National Coming Out Day" on Oct. 11 and "A Day of Silence in Memory of Matthew Shepard," on Oct. 12. For more information and events, contact Mike Hahn at ext. 7594.

Oct. 12-13 is Homecoming & Family Weekend. Visit the Alumni Web page for event listings.

Alcohol Awareness Week is Oct. 22-27. Events include "Peer Theater" on Oct. 22 at 8 p.m. in Hunsaker Plaza and guest speaker Joel Goldman at 8 p.m. in the Casa Loma Room on Oct. 23. Contact Gordon Kordyak at ext. 2568, for further events.

"Save the 'R' Hike" is Oct. 20. Meet at the Memorial Chapel at 7 a.m.

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Campus Briefs

Energy Link Relocated
The Campus Energy News link has temporarily moved from the university's main Web page. News about the university's electrical system, energy conservation and energy emergencies can be reached at or by visiting and selecting the News index on the left navigation bar.

Ribbons and Lids Give Hope
The Women's Center is supporting National Breast Cancer Month with free pink ribbons and a Yopliat Yogurt lid drive. Turn in your specially marked Yoplait Yogurt lids and Yoplait will donate 10 cents per every lid received (up to $500,000).

Entertainment for Sale!
The Staff Organization has entertainment books on sale for $20 as part of its annual fund-raising activities. Call Trisha Aurelio at ext. 4720 to purchase one.