Roger Baty, professor of sociology-anthropology, had an article accepted for publication in the Forum of Arid Lands Studies. The article, written with his daughter Marguerite, deals with how young people in Turkmenistan, where Marguerite served in the Peace Corp, are viewing the conflicting choices between old values and the emerging values associated with globalization.
Phillip Doolittle, vice president for finance and administration, has been re-appointed as chair of the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) Small Institutions Council. The Small Institutions Council serves as a constituent advisory group to the NACUBO president and board of directors. The council represents Baccalaureate I & II and Master I & II institutions, as well as specialized institutions including minority and historically black institutions with FTE enrollments of 4,000 or less.
Jim Spickard, associate professor of Sociology/Anthropology presented a speech entitled "Religion and Global Morality: the Case of Human Rights" at the bienniel International Society for the Sociology of Religion concerence held in Mexico in July.