Deciding how to mark the first anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks was not easy for university President James Appleton. But in the end, Appleton decided to commemorate the day by both reflecting on the attack and celebrating the heroism and resilience demonstrated in the face of the tragedy.
"We saw countless acts of courage, kindness, compassion, loyalty, responsibility and other qualities that represent the best in human nature," Appleton told a group of students, faculty and staff gathered in the chapel on the anniversary for a Service of Remembrance and Hope. "In the face of the worst of human nature, we also saw the best."
Appleton challenged the university community to strive to demonstrate the same positive human qualities in their own lives.
"We can choose, unwittingly or with deliberation, to display the ugly or the good of human nature in our relations with each other, in our conversations, in our behavior, in what we strive to accomplish, in how we plan and act," he said.
Appleton said individuals should work to display seven basic qualities - courage, kindness, service, responsibility, love, hope and freedom.
Several sacred texts were read during the service and Choral Director Jeffrey Rickard lead the choir in the "Prayer for Unity."
University Chaplain John Walsh also spoke, recalling the stories of some of the people who died during the attacks.
"We have all been moved to tears as we have listened to the powerful and moving life stories of those who were lost," Walsh said. "Today, we take time during this event to remember them once more."
ASUR President Matt Block, a key organizer of the service, encouraged participants to remember the values that made America strong. Block also read St. Francis of Assisi's Prayer for Peace at the end of the service.
"Let us rededicate ourselves to the principles of freedom and understanding," Block urged.
A lily was given to each participant as they left the service, serving as a symbol of new life and hope in the aftermath of the tragedy. Participants also were asked to sign up for an upcoming blood drive at the end of the event.