To: All Employees
From: Human Resources, Payroll Department
Date: December 2, 2003
Subject: Distribution and Timing of December Paychecks
In light of the upcoming holidays, we wanted to make you aware of the
timing and distribution of paychecks during the month of December.
Administrative Exempt Time Reports for November 2003 should be turned
in as soon as possible, but no later than December 10th.
We ask that all Staff and Administrative Non-Exempt Attendance Reports
for the payperiod ending December 14, 2003 be signed and turned into
payroll on Monday, December 15th. It is imperative that you submit
your time sheet to the payroll office no later than Tuesday, December 16th at
10:00 A.M. to ensure that a check is generated for you for the 24th.
We are working within a very short turnaround time in order to allow
the bi-weekly employees to be paid on the 24th instead of the 26th.
Your cooperation is needed for this to be successful.
For those employees utilizing the benefit of direct deposit, your paycheck
will be posted to your account on December 24th. (Employees still have
until December 8th to turn in the proper paperwork to set up direct
deposit, have it submitted for the bank's "pre-note" processing and
be active for the December 24th paycheck.) For those employees who
normally receive their check in the mail, Office Services will be
mailing those checks on December 23rd. Even though you should receive
your check on December 24th, we cannot guarantee timely delivery.
Office Services will distribute all checks in the normal manner on
Wednesday morning, December 24th. Because of staffing, work load
and shortened hours, Office Services has asked that employees not
ask to pick up their checks or make special arrangements that differ
from the above-mentioned distribution. There will be no exceptions.
PLEASE NOTE: If the employee in your office who is normally responsible
for picking up the mail is not working on the 24th, please make sure
that someone else in your office has been designated to pick up and
distribute the checks. If you are not going to be on campus on the
24th, please make arrangements with the employee in your office responsible
for picking up the checks to distribute your check appropriately.
Remember, there is no afternoon campus mail service on the 24th.
To: Campus Community
From: Brett Martin, General Manager, Bon Appetit
Date: November 21, 2003
Subject: Hepatitis Outbreak
I would like to address the recent outbreak of foodborne illness,
linked to a Mexican restaurant in Western Pennsylvania, which has
unfolded over the past several weeks.
The media is calling it “the biggest known outbreak of hepatitis A in U.S. history”.
Close to 500 persons, including 11 employees are infected, and there have been 3
deaths associated with dining at this restaurant. To this point there have been
no cases linked to this outbreak of hepatitis A reported in Redlands or any surrounding
Although the investigation being conducted by various health agencies,
including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is ongoing,
and a definitive conclusion has not yet been reached, produce – green
onions, or scallions, specifically – have been called into question.
Furthermore, this past September over 275 people in Georgia, North
Carolina, and Tennessee were infected with hepatitis A from contaminated
scallions consumed in 12 different restaurants. If, in fact, the source
of the current outbreak is confirmed to be scallions entering the restaurant
through the supply chain, there is a possibility that contaminated
product could turn up elsewhere. The FDA has officially issued a public
health advisory regarding the potential risk of illness associated
with consumption of scallions at this time. They are advising concerned
consumers to avoid raw or lightly cooked green onions and foods containing
them as an ingredient or garnish.
Bon Appétit has agreed that it is prudent at this time to discontinue
the purchase and use of all green onions temporarily, and has done so effective
Wednesday, November 19, 2003. Bon Appétit will continue to keep a close
eye on the investigation of these outbreaks and we will resume the use
of these products once the outbreak investigation concludes and there
is assurance of the safety of scallions in the supply chain.
Because the safety and well being of our customers is our highest
priority, we will continue to inform you of any and all issues that
affect dining on the University of Redlands campus. Please do not
hesitate to contact me with any questions that you might have.
To: Campus Community
From: EEO Office
Date: November 18, 2003
Subject: Santa Cannot Save You If You Behave Harr-ifically
Sexual harassment is established once the alleged victim can demonstrate
that the behaviors of the alleged perpetrator were so severe and
pervasive that they restrict access to employment or educational
opportunities. While the courts have differed about how much “inappropriate”
or “unwise” verbal dialogue is required to establish a severe or pervasive
case, they are consistent in their rulings when physical touching is present.
In Governing Board v. Harr (28 Cal App 4th 369, 1994), Dr. Kenneth
Harr testified that he “showed that he cared about students by physically
communicating compassion.” Female students testified that Dr. Harr would
tell them that they were “cute” or would tell female students “you are my favorite.”
One female student testified that Dr. Harr told her that she should carry mace because
“someone is going to want you.”
Female students testified that Dr. Harr would “rub our backs and shoulders with his
hands using a massaging stroke, and at times, attempted to hug us. He would be very
offended if you pulled away.” One student testified that Dr. Harr was so close to
her during class that his hand brushed against her thigh. Another female student
testified that Dr. Harr told her that her skirt was too short, and then asked her
to “go to dinner, drink, and get kinky.”
During a holiday party in the class, Dr. Harr dressed as Santa Claus
and offered extra raffle tickets to female students if they would sit
on his lap and give him a kiss. Dr. Harr testified that he was a
loving professor, that he communicated through touch, and that he
did offer extra raffle tickets for sitting on his lap and giving a kiss,
but it was only on the cheek.
The jury disagreed with the professor’s conclusion that all of this
touching of female students was “just in good fun” upholding the
employer’s dismissal of the professor. In his final decree, the judge
stated, “Dr. Harr, females in our society have the right to an education
without loosing their dignity by being touched, or massaged, or by
being made to endure any other touching that could be interpreted as
sexual, and the defendant's education and position would suggest that
he should be an advocate of such a policy, not a detractor from it.”
The courts are quick to take action against physical touching by those
in power. Those in power (over grades or employment) must exercise
extreme caution before physically touching any student or subordinate.
The encounter should be clearly understood to be welcome by both parties
prior to any physical touching. The precaution of proving “welcome”
is well worth the effort should a claim arise from the activity.
To: University Community
From: Information Technology Services
Date: November 12, 2003
Subject: Resource 25 and WebViewer Event Scheduling and Tracking Applications Upgrade
Information Technology Services is pleased to announce the upgrade
to the latest release of the Resource 25 and WebViewer applications.
The new applications will be available at 8:00 a.m. on Monday,
November 17th.
The basic functions of the WebViewer will remain the same, however
you will notice that the look of the WebViewer has changed and there
are additional capabilities available for event and location searches.
The WebViewer and the Resource 25 applications will be unavailable
starting at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 12th through 8:00 a.m.
Monday, November 17th. In order to make this transition successful,
it is important that you submit any space reservations via the WebViewer
and, where applicable, check all Workflow items prior to the time that
the WebViewer is unavailable. During the time that the WebViewer
is unavailable, space reservations can still be submitted by contacting
Hospitality Services or the Registrar's office directly.
We are confident that you will be able to make a smooth transition to the "new and improved" WebViewer. For those University employees that have login access to the WebViewer (users of My Requests or My Workflow), two weeks after the the upgrade, there will be five 30-minute overview sessions that will highlight some of the changes and very briefly discuss search options and space reservations. We have scheduled the following dates:
- Tuesday, December 9, 2003 10:00 - 10:30
- Thursday, December 11, 2003 4:00 - 4:30
- Friday, December 12, 2003 11:00 - 11:30
- Wednesday, December 17, 2003 2:00 - 2:30
- Thursday, December 18, 2003 9:30 - 10:00
Please use the two week timeframe to become familiar with the new WebViewer.
Attendance to the overview sessions is totally optional.
If you are interested in attending an overview session once you have
had a chance to review the new Webviewer after November 17th, please
contact Maya Reedy at extension 3935 or via e-mail at
On each date, we can accommodate up to 10 people. The first 10 respondents
will be sent a confirmation.
If you have any questions about this software upgrade, please contact Maya
Reedy at extension 3935 or Hamid Etesamnia at extension 3924.
To: Campus Community
From: James R. Appleton
Date: Friday, November 7, 2003
Subject: Recent Gifts to the University
I am pleased to announce several Centennial Campaign gifts recently
received in support of the university’s academic programs.
The John Stauffer Charitable Trust recently announced an additional
$ 2,000,000 grant to the University of Redlands, part of which will
go toward building construction and part of which is designated for
a chair to be held by the director of the Center for Science and Mathematics,
currently held by Dr. Barbara Murray. This brings to $7,000,000 the
total support received for the Stauffer Complex by the John Stauffer
Charitable Trust.
I am also delighted to report that David Boies ’64, a distinguished
attorney and member of our National Campaign Committee, is funding
a chair in Government that will be held by a professor well known
for his course in Constitutional Law: Art Svenson.
Another commitment received is a $1.7 million trust from Dolores Grunigen,
a 1986 graduate of Whitehead College, which will fund, upon her passing,
a Distinguished Visiting Professorship in the School of Business.
Finally, our new trustee, Ron Lossett, and his wife, Cheryl, released $200,000 from
a charitable trust he established in 1993 to provide initial funding
for a visiting scholar, artist or professional to be rotated among the disciplines.
Gifts such as these from generous donors have a dramatic impact on
the long-term success and health of the university. They fund academic
programs central to our liberal arts and sciences university. For
this we are all extremely grateful.
To: Campus Community
From: Department of Public Safety
Date: November 6, 2003
Subject: Campus Alert: Robberies in Vicinity of University
The Redlands Police Department is currently investigating a series of
robberies that took place in locations near the university campus
this morning, most recently on the west side of Sylvan park. Although
there are no reported incidents involving Redlands students, faculty
or staff, the campus community is urged to be cautious.
A single suspect is being sought for the incidents, and the police
department has released the following description of the individual:
- 18-20 year-old African-American man
- Long black hair pulled into ponytail
- Wearing grey hooded, zipped sweatshirt over green t-shirt and khaki pants
A complete description and sketch of the suspect is available as a
PDF on the Redlands Web site.
Please report any sightings directly to the Redlands Police Department
at 798-7681, or to Public Safety at extension 4000.
To: Campus Community
From: Nancy Roth, Facilities Project Manager; Facilities Management
Date: November 4, 2003
Subject: Upcoming Power Outage Scheduled
The purpose of this communication is to advise the University Community
of a scheduled or planned power outage on 5 a.m., Monday, December 29th
through 5 p.m., Tuesday, December 30th.
The buildings that will be affected by this action are: Administration
Building, Anderson, Art Studio, Baseball Press Box, Bekins, Casa Loma,
Chapel, Chapel Annex, Currier Gym, Duke, East, Facilities Management,
Fairmont, Farqhuar Fields Restrooms, Field House, Fine Arts, Fitness
Center, Gannett/KKJZ, Greek Theater, Grossmont, Hall of Letters, Health
Center, Hentschke, Holt, Hornby, Larsen, North, New Construction Trailer,
Orton Center, Runner Stadium & Ticket Booth, Peppers, Sprint Cell Tower,
Thompson Aquatic Center, Truesdail, University Hall, Village Apartments,
Wallichs Theater, Watchorn, Williams & Willis Center.
Students who occupy the affected Residence Halls are advised to
back up all computer information and disconnect all equipment from
electrical source(s) prior to leaving campus for Holiday Break on
or before Saturday, December 20, 2003.
Employees who work in the affected buildings are advised to back up all computer
information and disconnect all equipment from electrical source(s)
on their final work day prior to leaving campus for Holiday Break
on or before Wednesday, December 24 th, 2003.
This power outage is necessary to replace the campus 4160 electrical
system transformer (located near the Chapel) and to replace the Larsen
Hall high-voltage switch gear (a large electrical component). The
dates chosen for this project are a direct result of many discussions
with various departments; significant effort was exerted to minimize
any inconvenience to the campus community.
This project has been scheduled as an event with the campus Resource
25 program and all affected buildings have been “booked” for these days.
Please re-schedule any conflicting event, or make alternate plans for
activities, meetings and/or office-related work that might need to
be performed during this period of time.
If you have questions concerning this planned outage you may call
Facilities Management at extension 4020. We apologize in advance for
any inconvenience this action may cause, and ask for your cooperation
as we strive to keep our electrical infrastructure up-to-date.