Inside Redlands is posted monthly by the Office of Public Relations.
Submissions can be sent to Ryann Moresi.
Deadlines for submissions are the second Monday of each month. Call (909) 335-5228 for more information.

To: Campus Community
From: Kathy Wetherell, AVP, Finance & Administration
Date: March 14, 2002
Subject: Staffing Changes in the Office of Business & Finance

This notice is to inform you about some current and upcoming staffing changes in the Office of Business & Finance. Terry Hensley, who has acted as the Financial Analyst for both the Schools of Business and Education for the past five years, has moved to the School of Education to provide full-time budget and financial support, effective Monday, March 11th, 2002. Terry's extension remains unchanged at x2206 and her new address is University Hall North Room 130. She will continue to report to me.

A recruitment is currently underway for a new financial analyst for the School of Business; more details on this position will be provided when the position is filled. While the position remains open, you can direct questions about budget or financial issues regarding the School of Business to me at ext. 4164 or ext. 3171.

Please join me in congratulating Terry on her new position in the School of Education.

Kathy Wetherell
AVP, Finance & Administration

To: Campus Community
From: Help Desk
Date: March 13, 2002
Subject: Virus Alert

There is virus on campus called Mylife. This virus is a simple mass-mailer written in Visual Basic and packed with UPX file compressor.

The worm usually arrives as an e-mail attachment named 'My Life.scr'. When a user clicks on the attachment the worm is activated. It shows a picture, installs itself to system (into Windows System folder) as My Life.scr and adds its startup key to the Registry. The picture it shows is a little girl with a flower.

The worm sends itself to all recipients of an infected user's Outlook Address Book with the following message:
Subject: my life ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
Body: Hiiiii
How are youuuuuuuu?
look to the digital picture it's my love
vvvery verrrry ffffunny :-)
my life = my car
my car = my house
Attachment: My Life.scr

The worm has a payload - it can delete files with the following extensions:
*.sys, *.com (from C:\ folder)
*.com, *.sys, *.ini, *.exe (from Windows folder)
*.sys, *.vxd, *.exe, *.dll (from Windows System


Do not open this file.
Delete the file immediately.
Please continue to update your anti-virus.
Call the Help Desk at x4357 if you have any problems.

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