To: University Community
From: James R. Appleton
Date: August 27, 2001
Subject: Adult Learning Focus Initiative

Over the last year, our former Whitehead College has been refashioned into the new School of Business and School of Education. We took this step to provide these important programs with new focus, direction, and leadership. As part of the planning process, the University engaged KPMG Consulting to work with a Steering Committee to identify issues and propose a plan for establishing appropriate structures, processes, and support for adult learning programs at Redlands.

As part of its work, the Committee achieved consensus around some important points, including relative strengths and weaknesses of the adult learning programs. Most notably, they acknowledged that service levels for students were often below expectations. This in turn affects the programs' success in meeting the needs of their students.

The Committee's work also highlighted the importance of the adult learning programs' revenue in the University's financial health; at the same time, it acknowledged the importance of evaluating the programs using broader performance measures than enrollments alone. They also established an understanding of adult students' expectations and service requirements as different from those of traditional residential undergraduates.

The Committee's work has been presented to Phil Glotzbach, Phil Doolittle and me. We three are in agreement that the report presents an accurate view of our adult learning programs, and we are committed to implementing the recommendations for the reorganization of these programs and the guiding principals for change that it contains. First among them is a recommendation that we charter a new project, the Adult Learning Focus Initiative (ALFI), to coordinate a number of changes associated with improving the services and administration in our adult programs.

The ALFI Program Office will be managed by Phil Doolittle. He will ensure that the project receives necessary resources and administrative attention. The Leadership Group will again include me, Phil Glotzbach, and Phil Doolittle. We will meet regularly with project leadership to address issues that cannot be resolved within the project structure. However, we expect to find such issues very rarely if at all.

Our new Deans of Education and Business, Bill Stanley and Pat Meyers, will co-chair an Advisory Group to consider proposals with University-wide implications and to help manage and support their implementation. The Deans will also be key players in the design and implementation of services to our largest cohorts of adult learners in the Schools of Education and Business.

However, the Adult Learning Focus Initiative is not limited in scope to these two schools. We serve working adults in a number of other programs, and we want to ensure through this process that they are all served well. Accordingly, the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Nancy Carrick, will be actively involved in these discussions as well.

Kathy Behrens, formerly of KPMG, will work with us as the Program Manager. She will be responsible for preparing work plans, leading the project working groups, and reporting to our Leadership Group on project issues and status. We will provide staff support for the working groups (e.g., meeting scheduling, data collection, analysis, documentation) through the Program Office. In addition, we expect to supply help with research into Datatel capabilities, testing, documentation of procedures, training and other work associated with the redesign of systems and services.

The final report of Phase I, including the work of the Steering Committee, includes a discussion of the current state of adult learning programs at Redlands, recommendations (including goals for the adult learning program reorganization and guiding principles for change), and next steps. If you would like to receive a copy of the report, you may email a request to and we will send it to you.This initiative will be critical to our mission of supporting the adult learner at Redlands. With our new deans now on campus, we are poised to begin in earnest the work of creating the processes, organization, and services to support our adult learning programs in ways that reflect our expectations for the University as a whole.

To: Campus Community
From: Energy Program Office
Date: August 21, 2001
Subject: Energy Web Page

The Energy Program Office is pleased to announce that the campus community can now monitor the status of the University's electrical system. With the help of the Web Manager and Public Relation's staff, we have implemented a web site that can be accessed from the University's web page. By clicking on the Campus Energy News icon you will be transported to valuable information. Not only on the current status of the University's electrical system, but information on ways to conserve electricity, on campus and at home. Also, you will find information regarding the regional centers and honor houses.This office will be updating this page at least twice a day, with the possibility of updates as needed.

To: Campus Community
From: James R. Appleton, President
Date: August 3, 2001
Subject: University of Redlands Web Site

The astonishing growth of the Web as the primary communication tool presents new opportunities for higher education. The Web is becoming increasingly important in terms of how colleges and universities conduct business internally and how they promote themselves to their audiences in the outside world.

During the past three years, or so, the University of Redlands has made good progress with its Web site on all fronts - technological, design, and content. Now, the completion of the network project and tools such as WebAdvisor, CampusCruiser, and Blackboard require that we take the site to the next level. In addition, we need to provide information and services that are accessible anytime and anywhere to our students, faculty and staff. This also, of course, is driven by the Web sites competitive institutions have available to external audiences, especially prospective students and alumni.

I am pleased to inform you that a Web Project Team has been selected. This team will have as its goal the introduction of a new, interactive site that will meet the University's internal and external needs as well as creating a dynamic electronic environment which supports teaching and learning. We have set as an anticipated completion date the end of the current fiscal year. Phil Doolittle, Vice President for Finance and Administration, and Ron Stephany, Vice President for University Relations, will provide executive oversight of the project during the implementation period. Hamid Etesamnia, Chief Information Officer, will serve as the project director. Other members of the project team will be announced in the near future. Content and editing will be provided by the Public Relations Office, although departments across the campus will still provide initial copy. Furthermore, the project team will be guided by an advisory committee that will provide counsel on all phases of the project, including setting priorities. That group will be chaired by the project director. You will be kept informed of the team's progress during the year. As this initiative moves forward, it is imperative that the current site be maintained, and that content be kept up to date. Your cooperation in this effort will be most helpful and deeply appreciated.

I know you join me in expressing gratitude to the entire project team for its willingness to move us forward toward a Web site that meets our internal needs and presents the University in a positive way to our external audiences.

To: Campus Community
From: Kaye F. Draper, Accounting Services Supervisor
Date: July 26, 2001
Subject: Mileage Rate Increase

Effective July 1, 2001 the mileage rate for use of personal vehicle was increased to $.33 cents per mile. When completing your Travel & Entertainment Expense Report form for reimbursement, use the new rate of $.33 per mile for approved business mileage on or after July 1, 2001. If your travel took place before July 1, 2001 the old rate of $.31 per mile will apply.If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at extension 5173 or Irene Lamb at extension 4025.

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