The university will be home to a number of groups this summer, including barbershop quartet members, soccer players and teens dreaming of becoming rock stars.
About 25 groups are scheduled to use the university's residence halls, meeting areas and other facilities for summer conferences, clinics or training this year.
Many of the guests are involved in athletic activities, such as soccer and football camps. Others are involved in church-related events, including the United Methodist Conference, the Sacred Heart Church conference and an Anaheim Baptist Church event.
Several professional groups also will be on campus. The Society for Conservation GIS will use the school's high-tech geographic information systems lab, while the Western Archives Institute will use several meeting facilities and other services.
Summer conferences bring needed money to the university budget and allow more staff and students to work year-round.
The events serve as a powerful recruiting tool, giving both parents and students a chance to learn more about the campus and its culture. University officials hope members of visiting youth organizations, including a Black Future Leaders group and several athletic organizations, will make plans to become University of Redlands students.
"We have a lot of anecdotal evidence that students who come for summer conferences often return as students," said Anita Savacool, director of conference programs and hospitality services.
University employees can help conference participants enjoy their stay.
"The most important thing that we can do is to provide a welcoming presence," Savacool said. "Being open to answering questions, giving directions or just smiling and greeting others is important."
For information on events, call conference programs and hospitality services at ext. 4033.