Inside Redlands is posted monthly by the Office of Public Relations.
Submissions can be sent to Monique Henderson.
Deadlines for submissions are the second Monday of each month. Call (909) 335-4070 for more information.

Beach Smitten with Mitten

(Redlands Daily Facts) Theater diector Chris Beach hangs from a beam in the new performance theatre, the Loft, located within the historic Mitten Building.

University theater director Chris Beach suddenly appeared suspended from the ceiling - a fitting opening for the new Performance Loft in downtown Redlands.

The loft is the result of the combined visions of Beach, his new company of local performers and supporters of the arts.

The renovated historic Mitten Building provides the setting. The three-story, 12,000-square-foot structure was built as a fruit packing house in 1890, the cavernous interior of the brick masonry building a near-sculpture of heavy timber beams.

It sat empty and sank into disrepair for more than 10 years until being purchased and restored by members of the Redlands Conservancy.

Today, the Mitten Building houses weddings and other events and a new cocktail lounge within easy walking distance of restaurants and cafes.

It now also houses the Performance Loft, which opened in April with a reception and sampling of performances. For Beach, the Mitten Building's architectural characteristics are ideal for the development of a theatrical approach he calls "Turn-on-a-Dime Style."

Beach is composing works for the stage that use motion, dance, character, sound, language and design as compositional elements like, he says, "a painter works on a canvas." He works closely with Jo Dierdorff, director of the dance department at Riverside Community College.

"I think a lot of people are getting pretty tired of going to Los Angeles to see works in this category or genre," he said. He added that he envisions creating works here that could be taken on tour, adding to the role of Redlands as a cultural center.

Short "turn-on-a-Dime" pieces will be performed June 17-19.

Beach and his company also are teaching classes for children, teenagers, adults and seniors. The "You as Performer" courses focus on building self-awareness and self expression.

Serving on the board are Autumn Earle '99; Killian O'Brien '87; Kathy Peterson; Jim Spee, associate professor of business; Sandra Thomas; and Sholeh Wolpe.

Members of the company are Rob Chaitin '00, Kristin Kucia-Stauder, Phillip Mielke, Matt Niccum '02, David Strausberger '99 and Jessica Yowell '02. Mark Anthony and Chad Olheiser '00 are the technical staff.

For tickets or more information on supporting the loft through volunteer service or financial contributions, call (909) 798-6262.

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Employees in the News

-Records Coordinator in Advancement Services Susan McCue was the grand prize winner in the 2002 Krikorian Oscar Contest.

She successfully guessed eight out of 11 correct Oscar winners, which placed her in a nine-way tie. Then, her name was the first chosen in a drawing held by Redlands Mayor Kasey Haws. She won a one-year lease on a Toyota Echo and opted to take the cash value of the prize.

View Susan's photo in the winner's circle.

-Retiring employees were honored at a reception held Wednesday, May 15 in the Casa Loma Room.

Honorees included (l-r) administrative assistant Joanne Tiernan, sociology and anthropology professor Roger Baty, English professor Bob Hudspeth and School of Business Associate Dean Judy Myers. President James Appleton spoke at the reception, where each retiree was presented with a clock.

-Dean of Student Life Char Burgess and her husband Larry, a member of the university's Board of Trustees, recently led a tour of Redlands sponsored by the Historical Society of Southern California. The tour, which began in Pasadena, sold out in 48 hours. The university's Memorial Chapel was part of the tour.

-Jackie Valcourt, loan coordinator in the business office, fulfilled a long time dream on March 3--she ran the Los Angeles Marathon--6 hours and 35 minutes.

Valcourt (left) with fellow Loma Linda Lopers during the marathon.


This year's University of Redlands Bulldog Bench Golf Tournament drew 120 participants.

The event, hosted by Senior PGA Tour member Dave Stockton, included golf pointers, dinner and an auction of donated items, including a signed 1991 Ryder Cup Team poster. The auction raised the most money in the tournament's 13-year history.

Volunteers Needed

The Staff Organization is looking for volunteers to work during commencement on Saturday, May 25.

Volunteers are asked to work two or three-hour shifts. Set-up begins at 5 a.m. and the event ends at about 9 p.m.

Contact Trisha Aurelio at ext. 4720 for more information.