Inside Redlands is posted monthly by the Office of Public Relations.
Submissions can be sent to Monique Henderson.
Deadlines for submissions are the second Monday of each month. Call (909) 335-5228 for more information.

Leslie Brody, assistant professor of English, served as moderator of a discussion on memoirs at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books at UC Los Angeles in April.

Professor of Philosophy Kathie Jenni chaired a colloquium session in March on moral psychology at the American Philosophy Association's Pacific Division meetings in Seattle. The session addressed alternative accounts of individual moral failure.

Assistant Professor of History Jennifer Keene recently had her book "Doughboys, the Great War, and the Remaking of America," published by Johns Hopkins University Press. The history department held a book signing reception honoring her in April.

Jim Pick, professor of business, began a one-year term as President of the Association for Borderlands Studies. The international scholarly association focuses on border problems, characteristics and issues. It has 230 individual members from a variety of disciplines. Pick also was recognized on April 12 by the Western Social Science Association as Outstanding Section Coordinator for 2001-2002.

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