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Staff Organization Revamped

The Staff Organization has been reorganized and a new governing body is now in place to support the group.

The new council includes Kerry Robles, Chaplain's Office; Jackie Judge, Student Life; Lori Alaniz, Armacost Library; Sheryl Robinson, School of Business, Admissions; Paula Lacy, Registrar's Office; Mariann Kappel, Registrar's Office; Elizabeth Keller, Facilities Management; Jacqueline Graham, College of Arts and Sciences, Admissions; Christine Mee, School of Business; and Mike Myers, Athletics.

Kappel is president of the group, while Robinson is vice-president and Mee is secretary. Myers is treasurer.

The staff organization has been working hard, putting together a calendar of activities for the 2002-03 academic year.

Kappel said efforts are being made to ensure that a variety of people from different departments are involved in planning and carrying out events.

"Many individuals really want to help but aren't able to help out all year," she said. "But they are willing to commit to one function. I think this will enable more people to be involved."

The group also is committed to improving communication. A newsletter will be published periodically to inform employees about upcoming events. Messages from council members will be included.

The organization's constitution also is being rewritten to reflect structural changes. For example, at one point the organization was responsible for a variety of staff development training. Now, the human resources office typically meets those needs.

"The new constitution will reflect how we operate and what we are doing," Kappel said.

The president said she is excited about the organization's upcoming work.

"We have a number of very enthusiastic people on the council," Kappel said. "I think this is going to be a very good year."

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Mark Your Calendars

-Join Will Keim in Orton Center, Monday, Sept. 5, at noon.

-Staff Organization Fall Picnic will be held on Oct. 10, from noon-2 p.m. in the Rose Garden area east of Hall of Letters.

-Dec. 4, is the Annual "Trim the Tree" at 9:30 a.m. in the Administration Building lobby.

-Holiday Luncheon is scheduled for Dec. 10, from noon-2 p.m. in Orton Center.

-Staff Organization General meeting, Jan. 8, 2003, at 9 a.m. in Casa Loma Room.

-Jan. 22, 2003, is the Annual Clothes Drive from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. in the Administration Building basement.

-Spring Picnic, May 8, 2003, from noon-2 p.m. in the Rose Garden area east of Hall of Letters.

-May 31, 2003, commencement concessions booth open from 7:30 a.m.- 8:30 p.m. near Administration Building. (Volunteers needed.)

-Staff Organization Annual Business Meeting/Elections will be held June 4, 2003, from 9-10:30 a.m. in Casa Loma Room.


Our sincerest condolences go out to our friends and colleagues who have recently lost loved ones...

Wali Mondal, associate professor, School of Business, lost his brother July 3.

Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Business, Jeff Schieberl, recently lost his father.